Trust us with your online survey.
We support your decision-making
to boost your business.

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20+ Offices worldwide

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Our Panels
Proprietary Panels4M
Partner Panels
Proprietary Panels8.25M
Partner Panels
Proprietary Panels2.9M
Partner PanelsWe approach customer problem solving with various research methods
Consumer Understanding
Quick Surveys
This service has limitations on sample size, IR, and number of questions.
*IR 20%~100%
*10/20 questions
Brand Research
Advertising Effectiveness
Evaluate your brand from awareness to penetration and perception to assess the impact of your advertising.
Results could be utilized for correcting future advertisement and promotions.
Concept Testing
Product Insights

Ask us for your free tabulation software QuickCross.
It's easy to run a cross
tabulation analysis and create your own charts.

The QuickCross manual (PDF) is available from the link below.
We also provide optional tabulation and analytical services.
Please contact us for more details.
*Quick Cross is a service provided by Macromill Co., Ltd.